#1. Burns Away Calories
Jet skiing is a fantastic calorie burner—and a fun one, too. A 150-pound jet skier can burn as much as 238 calories in just a half hour. We think that sounds a lot better than burning calories on a treadmill!#2. Strengthens Muscles
When you’re maneuvering your jet ski over the water and keeping it stable, you’ll definitely work the muscles in your arms, legs, and abdominals.#3. Tones Your Abs
As you balance yourself during jet skiing, your body will automatically use its core stability muscles. This works as a great muscle toner, since a lot of jet skiing is working a balance.
#4. It’s a Cardio Workout
There’s nothing like a good cardio workout—and jet skiing is a particularly fun way to do it. No matter if it’s your first time on a jet ski or you’re an old pro, you’ll get a cardio workout on the water. This will increase your blood flow and help remove waste from your body, as well as give more nutrients and oxygen to your tissues.